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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fw: 教你维修的网站

 Subject: 教你维修的网站

Fw: Six Steps to Financial Doomsday


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Monday, August 15, 2011
Special Offers
Money and Markets
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
Because of the pressing nature of this great global debt calamity, we have declared this week "Crisis Week" here at Money and Markets. I've asked Mike Larson to report on how we got here, what's next and what you should be doing to protect yourself and profit. Be sure to read Mike's report in its entirety. — Martin

by Mike Larson
Monday, August 15, 2011 at 7:30am
Mike Larson
Europe is in tatters. Its governments are barely clinging to power. Its economy is crippled and bleeding. Its banks are fighting for their very lives.
The cost in human terms is horrendous. Millions of jobs have been vaporized. Family businesses — many of them centuries old — have been destroyed. The people have been pushed to the limits of their endurance. The daily news is filled with images of riots and bloodshed in the streets.
Stock Market Rope-a-Dope
The stock market bobbed; it weaved; it did the rope-a-dope — crashing 600 points one day only to soar more than 400 points the next, only to crash and rise again.
In the end, of course, not much has changed. Europe is still a mess. Our own banks are taking a drubbing. And just as we've been predicting, gold has shot the moon.
Click here to watch American Apocalypse and learn how to protect yourself and profit in these volatile times.
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The entire continent is now in the clutches of the most savage, remorseless killer in the financial firmament: Unpayable sovereign debt is threatening the very survival of the union.
And now, that same killer is also stalking us; right here, in the United States of America. Barring a major miracle, we, too will soon be living the same nightmare. It is only a matter of time.
We have sown the wind; we are about to reap the whirlwind.
For the next several years, this great government debt crisis will be the #1 consideration in every financial decision you will make. And so, each day this week in this space, we will examine the six major blunders that brought us to the brink of this abyss — both in Europe and here in the States.
More importantly, I will offer you time-tested strategies to help you protect and grow your wealth as this crisis unfolds.
Warning: Shocking Video
Many people say it's shocking. Others say it's more than shocking. But that's not a bad thing, because they also say it's motivating them to finally take protective action — or to help persuade their loved ones to do the same.
We're talking about American Apocalypse, the video which has already been viewed by thousands of readers like you.
The timing could not be better — click here to watch it now.
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I strongly urge you to pay especially close attention to each one of these Money and Markets issues this week. Save them. Print them. Share them with your friends and family.
They could very well make the difference between financial disaster and success for you.
This Great European Debt Crisis
Began Like All Crises Do: Quietly ...
When the global economy was booming in the 1990s, politicians across Europe simply began giving their people more: Bigger salaries. Longer paid holidays. Larger pensions. Greater government benefits.
As a result, budget deficits exploded throughout the euro zone ...
* Greece's deficit-to-GDP ratio surged from 5.2 percent to 10.5 percent between 2005 and 2010 ...
* Portugal's deficit-to-GDP ratio deepened from 5.9 percent to 9.1 percent ...
* Ireland swung from a budget surplus of 1.6 percent to a whopping deficit-to-GDP ratio of 32.4 percent ...
* Spain swung from a 1 percent surplus to a 9.2 percent deficit ...
*Even AAA-rated France, which investors are now starting to worry about, is sinking deeper into a budgetary hole. Its deficit-to-GDP ratio ballooned from 2.9 percent in 2005 to 7 percent last year.
The last time Washington's spending was out of control ...
Silver shot up 3,733%!
How much could it soar this time?
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Think That's Insane?
You're Right — and We've Spent Even More!
Gov't spending chart
In 2007, Washington spent $1.06 for every one dollar in revenue it took in.
In 2008, that ratio climbed to $1.18 for every $1.
In 2009, The U.S. government spent $1.67 for every dollar in revenues.
In 2010, it spent $1.60 for every $1 it had.
And this year, the Congressional Budget Office says we're on track to spend $1.63 for every $1 of revenue.
Like Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and other European nations, we have an out-of-control spending addiction in this country. And the numbers are getting uglier year after year.
Regardless of who's in the White House ... regardless of who controls Congress ... our leaders inevitably find ways to explode government spending every single year.
Worse, there is zero sign we're going to get off this road to destruction. None!
Look at the supposed debt ceiling deal that our craven legislators just worked out. They claim it will cut the deficit by up to $2.3 trillion over the next ten years. But that's just smoke and mirrors.
The deal doesn't cut spending at all. It only slows the increase in spending.
It doesn't even pretend to address the biggest budget beasts of all — Social Security and Medicare. And even discretionary spending — the kind of spending we can actually control without too much effort — isn't going to shrink.
Discretionary Spending chart
Case in point: The bill gives Congress discretionary spending authority of $1.043 trillion in 2012 ... $1.047 trillion in 2013 ... and $1.066 trillion in 2014.
By 2021, discretionary spending is projected to hit $1.234 trillion — 18 percent MORE than next year!
What about the "Super Committee?" The one that's supposedly going to come up with some kind of plan to cut spending once and for all? It's going to be a spectacular failure, just like every other committee before it!
That's because it's packed with six Republicans and six Democrats who are just going to parrot the same party lines that their parties' leaders did in the debt ceiling debate ... the one that ended with the issue being punted to the committee in the first place!
Bottom line: Out-of-control spending got Europe into this mess in the first place.
Now, it has drawn the United States into this crisis as well. Our leaders are destroying our nation by spending too much money!
As a result, we've already lost our "AAA" credit rating at S&P, and it's only a matter of time before the other ratings agencies follow suit.
Time to Pay the Piper
Europe's governments spent far too much and are now suffering the horrific consequences.
The United States spent far more — but we are just beginning to pay the piper.
Everything you see happening now in Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal ...
> Governments pushed to the brink of default ...
> Massive cuts in entitlement spending ...
> Economic hardship ...
> Plunging stocks ...
> Skyrocketing unemployment ...
> Riots in the streets ...
Is little more than a sneak preview of the financial catastrophe that's now stalking the United States.
More importantly, each of these "six steps to financial doomsday" we'll examine here in Money and Markets this week is pushing us to an historic, world-changing event that will soon alter all of our lives forever.
The Gala World Premiere of the all-new video
we created to help you protect your wealth
We've just put the finishing touches on America's Financial Doomsday: Protect Yourself and Profit — and the Gala World Premiere of this all-new, blockbuster video begins bright and early tomorrow morning.
In it, we show you why the most dangerous phase of this great financial calamity is now beginning.
We document the monumental event that now threatens to trigger the ultimate financial doomsday — and plunge vast numbers of U.S. families into the nightmare of poverty, homelessness and hunger.
We show you how a handful of Americans will use this crisis to build substantial wealth.
And we give you the things you can do right now to help make sure that you and your family get through this disaster with your wealth intact and still growing.
America's Financial Doomsday: Protect Yourself and Profit is free — just watch your inbox: The link will be in your regular issue of Money and Markets!
Best wishes,
Mike Larson
P.S. After you've seen America's Financial Doomsday: Protect Yourself and Profit, be sure to jump over to my personal blog and tell us what you think. Each day, I'll publish the best reviews — and yours could be one of them!
Money & Markets TV
Mike Larson has been warning of a stock market collapse for months, and recommending that you sell stocks and REITs, and buy gold and inverse ETFs. This week, his subscribers are taking huge profits, and embracing the volatility that others fear.
Click here to view [»]
A great American Apocalypse is upon us
Millions of Americans are about to lose their income, their savings, their buying power, their homes. Our free presentation explains why.
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Ride the world's most profitable stock markets ...
WITHOUT shorting ... WITHOUT options ... WITHOUT futures ...WITHOUT debt! Turn up your computer speakers and click here now.
Market Fluctuations Not Over Yet
Larry Edelson would like to be able to tell you that the recent wild gyrations in the markets have passed. But ...
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China Mobile Madness
If you're investing in telecom stocks, you can't afford to ignore China or Apple. China has the largest number of ...
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Embracing the Volatility for Major Profits!
These are some of the most volatile markets I've ever seen. Down 630 points on the Dow Jones one day. Up 430 points the next. And that's not all! We've seen ...
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Internal Sponsorship
Investing Insights
Weiss Research
Which is the largest company in the world? It used to be ExxonMobil. But the king of market capitalization is now Apple. That's because ...
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Monday, August 15, 2011


* Sent from my Apple iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Wang, Jason (VANCOUVER)" <jason.wang@rbc.com>
Date: 14 August, 2011 2:53:11 AM PDT

 家庭妇女成股神 --- 炒股赚钱太容易了!

劳拉1920年出生在一个普通的农民家庭。她有个妹妹,自学而成的画家,我见过她的油画,就是给劳拉青年时代的画像,画的那眼神逼真的令人叹为观止。劳拉中学毕业后就与姓富的同学结了婚,所以,他们夫妇都没有读过大学。二人都是普通工作人员,我们说他们属于打工一族也比较符合今天国内没有读过大学的农民工一族的称呼。两口子兢兢业业勤俭节约过日子,婚后两年就凑足了 1 千美元。在那时的 1 千美元比现在的几万美元还值钱。这 1 千美元有不少是他们俩的父母方资助他们读大学的。他俩没有读大学,把这第一桶金用来做发财梦去了。

劳拉认为嫁给一个姓富的,英文就是Rich Last Name ),那就应该有富贵的命。可怎么发财呢?想来想去就一条路:炒股票。

两口子四处活动,见了不少经纪人,搞明白了炒股的手续和规则。最后他们找到了一位听话的经纪人,就是说,他们买什么股票,什么时候出手,都由他俩决定。反正谁也不会经得住舆论的兴风作浪而来回更换股票。这个家伙万没有想到劳拉的耐心可以把他耗死。合同签订后,劳拉就把一千美元经股票经纪人之手买入 Budweiser 啤酒股票。经纪人愣了,说没这么干的,你们都是劳动者,这钱来之不易,不能把这么多钱都投入一种股票,太危险。他问劳拉为何看中了这个股票。劳拉不懂哪怕任何一句股市的专业术语,她只知道她丈夫喜欢喝这个啤酒。

那是1938 年。那年头不论什么股票都是一美元一股,买的人多了,就分股。她买后很快就赶上了5 1 分股,每股价钱不变,还是每股一美元,但股数变成了5千股,就等于涨了五倍。又过了9 年,再次5 1分股,等于又涨五倍,从头算起就是25倍了。一直熬到1965年,才再次2 1 分股。此时已经是50倍了。三年后的1968年,再次2 1 分股。此时她出手股票,刚好100 倍。整整等待了30 年。虽然她出手后三年又2 1 分股,等于三年再次加倍,但她当时不得不出手。 因为她的经纪人要退休,要清理客户,劳拉才不得不卖掉手里的股票。


劳拉换了股票经纪人,但原则不变,就是她自己决定买什么就买什么,什么时间出手就什么时间出手。这样的经纪人不好找到,但最后还是找到了。她看上了可口可乐,她不管股市行情,只是自己喜欢啥就买啥。可口可乐历史悠久,可以追溯到1900年以前,但上市比较晚。她把所有的钱都买入可口可乐股票,一美元一股。此时到底分股多少次了,她打听都不打听。她买的可口可乐股票 20 年后股价每股涨了80倍,不包括分股。她没等到最高价就提前出手了,在手上涨了50 多倍。然后她换成了麦当劳股票和一新的化妆品股票,到她丈夫空难时,她全部平仓,把税等交出后仍然N亿美元到手了。


劳拉不知何故没有生育能力。也许是她丈夫精子的问题,也许是她自己的卵子不行,反正他们没有孩子。劳拉的妹妹年轻时就得癌症去世了,也没有留下孩子。倒是劳拉丈夫的弟弟有子女。劳拉把股市上赚的钱捐给了医院50个米林,一部分用于搞医学研究资助,一部分用于医院改建。根据她的遗嘱,她死后的钱又给了科学研究组织Foundation 50 米林。一米林是一百万美元,两次捐献给医学领域的钱加在一起,100米林,就是一亿美元。据说也给了她丈夫的孩子们50 米林。剩下的大头都捐献给了慈善机构。

画像上看劳拉年轻时很瘦,老了后有点发胖。但她总是平易近人的老太太形象,令人感到亲切。老太太喜欢闲聊,没有架子,一辈子省吃俭用,勤勤恳恳。今天老太太辞世5 周年了,她那和善的笑脸依然在眼前晃动。她在另一世界一定平安地过着平平淡淡亦幸福美满的不炒股的另类生活。


我想来想去,胡主席要是炒股,不输老太太劳拉。劳拉的经验胡主席总结得好,三个字:"不折腾"。润涛阎早就总结胡主席当权五字令:"什么都不干 " 。仅仅10年,中国的GDP全球第二了。俺说胡主席"什么都不干",是中性词汇,不是贬义。 男人炒股票进出进出,进进出出,似乎是习惯性动作。所以,男人在炒股票之前需要先练习床上定力,不要随便进入,一旦进入就保持长时间一动不动。不要享受短期的刺激,而是享受长时间泡在蜜罐中的温暖与亲密无间的静感,按照胡主席的说法就是"包容性和谐,包容性增长"。人家胡主席有定力不折腾,到最后也有儿有女的。这定力练好了,炒股就是巴菲特,当官就是主席。您当上主席后,去日本访问小学校,小学生问你是怎么当上主席的,您就回答:"不是我要当主席,是全国人民选我当主席。"



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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fw: Viceroy by Bosa - 2 year Rental Guarantee

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Subject: Viceroy by Bosa - 2 year Rental Guarantee

Dear Jason,
We are writing to you today in response to the many Viceroy registrants who have contacted us seeking more information on Bosa's Equity Builder Program™ - now featuring a powerful 2 Year Rental Guarantee.
The 2 Year Rental Guarantee program will ensure you a market-leading rental rate for 24 months, handle the rental management of your suite and cover the strata fees and property taxes.  Registrants like you have requested we break down the numbers for them, so we thought we would take a minute to share a few examples to show you just how powerful this program can be.
Example One
Suite 707 - One Bedroom (600 sq ft)
Purchase Price $275,900
Total Deposit (20% after 9 months) $55,380
Guaranteed rental income from Bosa to you $1,515/month for 24 months = $36,360
Example Two
Suite 610 - Two Bedroom (914 sq ft)
Purchase Price $401,900
Total Deposit (20% after 9 months) $80,380
Guaranteed rental income from Bosa to you $2,191/month for 24 months = $52,584
We believe this is one of the best worry-free real estate investments in the lower mainland and if you have done your research, we are sure that you will agree. With luxurious Bosch and Samsung appliances, Kohler fixtures, premium cabinetry, legendary Bosa attention to detail and of course the Bosa Client Care Warranty, Viceroy home owners can rest assured. 
To learn more, please contact a sales representative at Viceroy by calling 604.522.2583. Sales are brisk but selection is still excellent but remember, this offer is for a limited few.
If you haven't already come in to view our fully furnished designer display home we invite you to join us this week between 12:00 to 6:00 pm. We are located at 609 Belmont Street in Uptown New Westminster.
Call or visit us today!
Jean Openshaw
Sales Manager
Alice Wang
Sales Manager

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Fw: The Best ETFs for Hurricane Season

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Subject: The Best ETFs for Hurricane Season

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Thursday, August 4, 2011
Special Offers
Money and Markets
by Ron Rowland
Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 7:30am
Ron Rowland
Here in Texas, we expect summer to be hot. Somehow we cope with 100-degree days. This year has been worse than usual. And to make matters worse, we're in the middle of a severe drought, too.
The little rainfall in the summer is usually the result of hurricanes coming ashore. I'm sure it was a relief for people along the coast when Tropical Storm Don fizzled last week, but inland Texans like me were disappointed. We were ready to get drenched.
Warning: Shocking Video
Many people say it's shocking. Others say it's more than shocking. But that's not a bad thing, because they also say it's motivating them to finally take protective action — or to help persuade their loved ones to do the same.
We're talking about American Apocalypse, the video which has already been viewed by thousands of readers like you.
The timing could not be better — click here to watch it now.
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Will we get another chance? Maybe. As my colleague Sean Brodrick pointed out recently, hurricane season historically peaks in August/September.
Hurricane risk picks up sharply in August.
Hurricane risk picks up sharply in August.
Whether you like hurricanes or not, they make a difference to your ETF portfolio. You can't ignore them even if you live hundreds of miles from the sea.
Today let's look at three ETF groups that can be directly affected by hurricanes — and not in the ways you might expect.
Energy Services: The Eye of the Storm
Offshore oil rigs are usually the first victims when a storm enters the Gulf of Mexico. Most offshore drilling and production is actually done by subcontractors from the energy service sector. These companies don't own any oil and gas. They just get paid to find it and pull it out of the ground.
Why Risk Huge Losses in U.S. Stocks?
Settling for the world's worst performing stocks makes no sense!
In this presentation, we'll show you why we believe U.S. stocks pose substantial risks to your capital while offering pathetically low profit potential and why many Asian and South American economies pose far less risk and yet are beating the Dow by up to 26 to one!
How can you harness this profit potential? Turn up your computer speakers and click here to view our presentation.
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Energy service stocks that specialize in offshore operations have the most to lose from hurricanes — particularly if they work in tropical areas. Every minute of lost time is also lost profit potential.
However, these same stocks can sometimes make huge gains after a hurricane strikes. The reason is simple — they are the companies that will be called upon to replace and repair damaged equipment.
Hurricanes are not fun when you own one of these.
Hurricanes are not fun when you own one of these.
Investing in energy services through an ETF instead of individual stocks is a good way to mitigate this risk. Even so, the sector is volatile even when the weather is fine.
Here are some of the largest energy services sector ETFs. If you own any of these, keep a careful eye on them the next couple months.
  • iShares DJ U.S. Oil Equipment & Services (IEZ)

  • SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Equipment & Services (XES)

  • PowerShares Dynamic Oil & Gas Services (PXJ)
Pipelines: No Supply = No Revenue
Income investors love master limited partnerships. I've written about Energy MLP exchange-traded notes. They can be a great addition to conservative portfolios, but they aren't risk-free.
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Think through how this works. Energy MLPs generate income by storing and transporting oil and gas. If they have nothing to store or transport, income can quickly drop to zero.
Why would a pipeline run out of oil? Well, one reason might be that the oil well at the other end of the pipe is closed down by a hurricane. The math is pretty simple. No production = no product into the pipeline = no money out of the pipeline.
Empty pipes mean no money for anyone.
Empty pipes mean no money for anyone.
Under normal circumstances, this risk is pretty low. So I don't suggest you rush out of any MLP investments you may own. In fact, a big storm that disrupts production could actually be a buying opportunity in some of these top MLP ETNs:
JPMorgan Alerian MLP Index ETN (AMJ)
Credit Suisse Cushing 30 MLP Index ETN (MLPN)
UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure ETN (MLPI)
Insurance: Swinging Both Ways
Who are some of the first people to swoop in when hurricanes strike? Insurance adjusters! They aren't there just to be nice, either. The companies need to know their liabilities, and they need to know quickly.
The impact of a big storm on the insurance sector is oddly unpredictable. Of course, they would much prefer to collect premiums and never pay any claims. But they know they'll have to pay out sometimes. Hurricanes are a problem only if the damage is more than the company's analysts expected.
Sometimes storm damage can actually help property insurers. How? Premium rates are government-regulated in some places. Major hurricane damage may convince the authorities to allow a rate increase. That means more future income, so insurance stocks can go up.
Nevertheless, if you own any of these insurance sector ETFs, keep a close eye on them during hurricane season. You may get an unexpected dip, or a surprising bonus.
  • SPDR KBW Insurance ETF (KIE)

  • iShares DJ U.S. Insurance (IAK)
There's another ETF that specializes in this area — PowerShares KBW Property & Casualty Insurance (KBWP). However, this ETF is thinly traded and often goes days without any trades, so I suggest you steer clear of this one.
Hurricanes are a force of nature we can't control. But thanks to modern technology, we can know when they are coming.
These three groups of ETFs are all affected by them — sometimes negatively and sometimes positively. Now you know what ETFs to keep your eye on as you track hurricanes this season.
Best wishes,
PS. For clear, concise alerts on when to get into an ETF — and when to get out — you may be interested in my International ETF Trader service. Watch my latest video here.
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The American Dream has turned into a nightmare. Kevin Kerr says better opportunities can be found abroad, but for investors who can't pack up and move, he offers tips to protect yourself and even profit while the American Dream crumbles around you.
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The late George Carlin, the outspoken and controversial comedian and modern day philosopher, said it best ...
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We are thick in the middle of quarterly earnings season, and even though all we typically read and hear about are U.S. companies, the long arm of China is having huge ...
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